Nanda in Austria

Nanda in Austria Nanda has won the lottery and has been traveling to Austria and stays in a loving foster house where she will be staying with her new doggy friends until her forever home is found. She has settled in quickly and feels great and quite at home!
Cosma in Austria

Cosma in Austria Cosma has been rescued by our volunteers and good friends Marion and Mario earlier this year, born to a stray mom with no one to care for her or her brother Rocky who will be living in Austria soon too! Another of our beautiful dogs that won the lottery and lives with […]
Nilde in Italy

Nilde SOON in Italy Nilde came to the sanctuary rescued by her human love Senora Francesca who volunteered at the shelter a for few months with her best friend Paola and who had found and rescued Nilde after a scooter had hit her. Nilde had been living at the shelter few months with her rescuer while we got her […]
Ying in Switzerland

Ying in Switzerland Ying was born at White Sand Beach Resort in 2018. The only girl of a litter of six. At four months old the resort staff caught all pups and dumped them me at a Khmer camp where we found them after some investigations and continued to care for them all. Jing and her brother Som shortly […]
Ginger in Brussels, Belgium

Ginger in Brussels, Belgium Rescued as a puppy in later 2017 after unknown owners left him behind to fend for himself; severely emaciated, anaemic and badly suffering from severe mange, blood parasites and open wounds all over the body, he grew into one of our most handsome shelter dogs and one of Happy Dogs’ greatest success stories, has just left us […]
Mina in Switzerland

Mina in Switzerland Our former safe house girl that we rescued off the streets long ago as a tiny pup together with her 9 siblings, after her mom was hit by a car and passed away. Another darling of our many lucky ones that won the lottery with a beautiful forever home abroad! She left us last week of […]
Denver in Italy

Denver in Italy Denver was born on an illegal, dirty landfill and together with his pack, mom and siblings fed and treated by us since he was a tiny puppy. Agnes fell in love with this little pretty boy’s family and took over their daily care. One day while feeding him and his pack a […]
Moon in Germany

Moon in Germany From street to Sofa / or table, Moon was rescued off the road side as a tiny puppy by her adopter Marise while she was on vacation and stumbled over her one day. Moon was approx. 2 months old and there was no mother and no one in the neighbourhood where she […]
Freddy in Nonthaburi near Bangkok

Freddy in Nonthaburi near Bangkok Freddy is also one of stray girl Shy’s 8 pups, where my friend Marion took care of the little family. Freddy also originally got adopted to Austria same as his brother Merlin, but also here the lovely foster family fell so very much in love with our boy it very soon become clear that […]
Merlin in the Outskirts of Bangkok

Merlin in the Outskirts of Bangkok Merlin in the outskirts of Bangkok Merlin was rescued by my friend Marion while she was here on the island to volunteer with us for over 3 months. I showed her the momma with her puppies and she cared for them every day. Merlin went to Bangkok as he was a little older […]